DISCLAIMER: This is a long one - sorry but not sorry.
Typically on Sunday's I start thinking about what I want to write about in the upcoming post. And as usual, Sunday before church in the shower (where I do all my great thinking) I started thinking about all the changes I've gone through with my body. And b
ecause God's timing is always perfect, Noah's sermon at church was about your choice with your body - your temple. How God is interested in your body just as much as he's interested in your soul.
1 Corinthians 6:19-20
"19 Don’t you realize that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourself, 20 for God bought you with a high price. So you must honor God with your body."
So it was decided, I'd talk about my temple and the choices I've made.
I've had my share of "seasons", some good some not so good. And the outcome of all of that was a really poor self image because I wasn't taking care of this gift I was given. Now I know some of you may think, me? The laughing sarcastic jokester? Underneath that joke and smile was a girl who never liked what she saw in the mirror. Seriously, rarely ever.
Season 1: Growing up I was raised on meat, potatoes - no worries I ate my veggies too. But red meat and a heaping pile of mashed potatoes and you can count on the "Ross butt" forming. Still, I was a gymnast, I was in good shape for a growing girl even into my teenage years.
Season 2: I quit gymnastics and picked up other sports. Some years went by but I was still growing. Then I get to HS - and I could go out and get whatever fast food my heart desired (and it desired A LOT). Now I "maintained" because I played sports year round, but I was bigger - I had bigger thighs, wider hips, and was more muscular than most girls. And you better believe they never let me forget that I didn't fit into the size 2 jeans of Abercrombie.
Girls are cruel.
Season 3: Leaving for college. I knew my parents were terrified of me gaining the "freshman 15" which in reality is more like the freshman 30 anymore. And like any freshman girl, I wanted boys to like me. So I became obsessed with that not coming true. I'd skip class to workout or skip a meal in prep for the weekend's "liquid diet" which was always followed by fast food bashing. I managed to lose 20-25 lbs, which may not seem like a lot over 6 months but I wasn't doing it the right way - I wasn't healthy.
Season 4: I'm an adult. Living on my own watching what I eat. And by that I mean watching it as it entered my mouth. I knew eating that mac-n-cheese wasn't good for me - but it's hard to remember you are
eating to live not living to eat when you love food like I do. And
I can't tell you the number of times I've cried out of frustration after trying on clothes. This body is my temple and it was slowly crumbling.
Season 5: I started Crossfit. The journey Crossfit has taken my on is an incredible one - a season I hope to continue for years to come. I've never felt more alive than after a 5am WOD, lying completely out of breath on the mat dripping in sweat and my coach walks over for a fist bump.
It. Is. Awesome.
Faith - Food - Fitness - Focus - Friends
Without Crossfit, the friends I've made, the lifestyle changes I've been taught - I never would've even considered a figure show. And now I couldn't imagine not being on this path. I've renovated my temple - added some new pillars, changed the drapes, updated the tile. I look in the mirror and I'm no longer ashamed of this gift I've been given. I'm no longer upset when a pair of pants wont fit because my thigh is too big - dude I worked hard for that muscle and
I am damn proud of it.
My love for food will never go away - I've just learned eating to live is so much sweeter than that piece of cake. Here's to week 9!
Meal Plan # 5
Meal 1: 5oz Chicken Breast
1 TBSP Coconut Oil
Meal 2: 6oz Orange Roughie
1 cup Green Beans
Meal 3: 5oz Chicken Breast
4oz Broccoli
12 Almonds
Mid Afternoon Snack: 7oz Orange Roughie
Meal 3: 6oz Chicken Breast
8 Asparagus
1 Tbsp Coconut oil