Thursday, February 25, 2016

The Struggle is Real

I don't think I've ever had 2 pictures more purely depict the the truth of show prep...

The struggle is real  But the results are worth it

And I needed this, oh how I needed this. This week I've been riding the struggle bus - I've hit my meal plan max of 10 days, 3 straight days of 2 workouts a day, changing up my routine to accommodate for the Open...

You name it and I'll use it as an excuse for my crappy attitude. 

But then I see these photos. And see the result of 8 weeks of hard shoulder work. And you know what, I have to stop and remember that I made this choice and remember why I made this choice.

Most days I'm up at 4am and I don't sit down to relax until 7:30pm. Some nights I forget about the steak that's been sitting in the oven for over an hour and pull out $18 worth of charred jerky. And 95% of the time I laugh and overcome it - 95% of the time that positive attitude you see me post every week is the God's honest truth. But there's that 5%, that 5% that keeps me accountable. And I need to show you that side too. 

It's not always rainbows and butterflies, sometimes it's sore legs and dark circles under your eyes - and that's ok. 

What's not ok is giving up or giving in. You have to be able to pull yourself up by your bra straps crank the music in your headphones and finish that set of heavy squeeze presses. You have to be able turn around and walk away from the homemade chocolate covered peanuts in the break room. That's what makes it ok, pat yourself on the back for doing it. You will make it through that 5% of crappiness - just keep fighting and stick to the plan. 

And when I sit down to relax at 7:30 I can smile and say,"You made it through today, good job."

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