Monday, March 21, 2016

Sometimes There Are No Words

Sometimes, I just don't know what to talk about. Now just because this isn't a meaningful post doesn't mean it's been a meaningless week - each week I learn a little about myself. This week it's mustering up the courage for this suit I'm expected to buy and wear. But I've racked my brain all day trying to decide what I want to blog about and I have no words I wish to type.

This process is second nature to me now - it is my way of life. I buy food, I prep food - Evan has started staying out in the living room anymore because he knows I have my "process". I auxiliary 3 nights a week and cardio/workout 5, my life revolved around the gym. I drink my protein with my morning coffee followed by water all. day. long.

I'll never be comfortable posting body update pictures - but as it says below "celebrate yourself" 

Every day I struggle. Every single day. And most of the time my amazing support system gets me through. Then there are those times where I need something more. So instead of posting my words I thought I'd post the words that I look to as a reminder to myself to keep going and to stay the course. Bring on week 8! 

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