Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Is a Birthday Without Cake Really a Birthday At All?

The alarm goes off at 4:05a, I turn it off and immediately roll over because I know Evan's alarm will wake me up again at 4:15a. Now if you know me, you know I'm not a snooze button kinda gal. So I'll try to muster up some witty dialogue today but no promises - the thermos wore off about 2 hours ago and I haven't gotten to my coffee yet.

Each week I learn some new fun fact - this week it was that I can add sugar free coffee flavoring into my black coffee. For the girl who loved sugar with a side of coffee, this is amazing! I also learned birthdays just aren't as much fun without cake. Not to say it's not worth it because it totally is; simply that it's not as much fun. But with Evan's birthday being May 21st and my show being May 14th, we will definitely be celebrating his birthday early (cake included).

My afternoon pineapple is still the BOMB - as my Crossfit soul sister would say, "it's pineapple time!" I always try to make it last but inevitably it's gone in all of 5 minutes. And I kept to my goal last week - I stretch whenever I can! The extra 15 minutes I get on the roller or band make life much more flexible. (I know, it's corny but I tried!) 

My body is morphing and changing, almost every day. I notice muscle groups I used to THINK I had that now I can actually see. And I've been bumped to 2 shoulder sessions a week - my traps have been on fire for the majority of 2 weeks.

Don't judge me for flexing, eventually I'll learn some posing techniques.

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