Monday, February 15, 2016

Flank on Fleek

One word - meat. This week's meal plan is FULL of that protein packed meat. Red meat - white meat - fish meat. Which is great because I was running low on tolerance of hard boiled eggs.

Meal Plan #4
Meal 1: 4oz Flank Steak
8 Asparagus

Meal 2: 5oz Ground Turkey
3oz Broccoli
1 Avocado

Meal 3: 3oz Flank Steak
3oz Chicken Breast
1 cup Green Beans
1/8c Sunflower Seeds

Protein drink after 2nd workout

Meal 4: 5oz White Fish or Salmon
4oz Zucchini (I spiraled it for spaghetti!)
6 Asparagus
11 Almonds

Today marks the start of week 7, aka day 43, of my show prep (still 12 to go!). And since we re-completed the 15.4 Open WOD this morning, and I saw a year's worth of improvements, I thought today might be a good bench mark day for photos as well. Looking back at the "then", I didn't realize the places I had the extra fluff. Or the areas I thought I had muscles that really I didn't. Everything continues to change, including my posture - I stand a little taller, a little more confident. 
"Confidence is the sexiest thing a woman can wear"

Day 1                     Day 43

Personally, I have to compare from time to time to remind myself how far I've come and to motivate myself to keep going. Sure my pants are looser, shirts fit differently, but there are just some days you feel like a slug and need to see the results that others notice.

My baby abs are still growing but just being able to feel the definition makes me giddy. I have rector "bunny hills" that I adore. And my little hammie hump always surprises me when I notice it in a picture. I may sound like a broken record, but it is seriously the small wins you have to celebrate. And as always, be patient with yourself.

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