Monday, January 11, 2016

Sometimes You Have To

Some days you have to get up at 2:30 when your alarm is set for 4 because the puppy needs to pee.
Some days you realize how you could've gone Rx on a WOD after you already finished. 
Some days you just have to take your protein shake into the shower with you. 

 And that was my Monday morning haha.

Going into week 2 of figure training I am stronger - and I don't even mean physically. I am mentally stronger. 

Last week was tough to say the least. Every time I walked into Kroger I had to walk passed a tower of cookies, and walk down the chip aisle, and put blinders on as I walked passed the cheese. And honestly, I wanted to punch a stranger. Thank God Evan has enough patience for the 2 of us to deal with my moodiness as we wandered around.

As I move into week 2 my cravings have curbed, I have a better feeling of "I can do this", and I look forward to the battle each day. I'm learning as I go and I'm so unbelievably thankful I have gals to ask questions and who understand the struggle. The tips and tricks I've learned have helped tremendously - especially as I force feed myself 6oz of tuna.

People still look at me funny when I pull out my food in a meeting or at a get together. And more so when they ask why and I say, "because I'm training for a figure competition" and then they ask why again. There's no rhyme to my reason, I wanted to do this and now I am. I realize there will always be doubters and people who will never understand this urge I have and that's ok; just please support me. 

For me, it's the little wins that keep me going:
  • I don't feel bloated - ever
  • I was able to say no to queso dip AND cupcakes
  • My recovery is faster
  • I feel more alive during a workout
  • My clothes are fitting better
I really need to work on my posture... 

Bring it on week 2!