Friday, January 22, 2016

Not Always Rainbows & Butterflies

I try daily to keep a positive outlook on this plan... And for the most part everything is good and my blog reflects that; but I don't want to paint a false picture. Every day there is a struggle. Every day I have my coach's voice running through my head saying "don't do it" "you don't need it" "remember the goal you want". Some days I'm discouraged, my body doesn't feel great, a craving kicks in, or whatever the case may be and I have an internal battle with what I want and what I need.
The short term versus the long term goal. 
But it's a learning process. Learning what my body can and cannot handle - How a food or a workout effects me. I'm by no means starving myself - in fact I'm eating more now than I typically would. But having to get up and zombie walk into the gym for my 5th day of cardio isn't easy. Then I feel the smile pop on my face as soon as I walk in the door. I see a familiar face and feel accomplished to have to made it in. 
It makes it worth fighting for. 
I started the idea of doing a figure show because I watched via social media as a friend prepared and competed. And I too hope to be that same inspiration for someone. Someone who thinks, "there's no way". "I could never look like that". "I don't have what it takes".
I'm here to tell you that YOU DO and YOU CAN!
To bring it full circle, yes it's a battle but every day something happens that makes it worth it. Every day I'm one step closer to the competition and one step closer to the figure I need. And I'm one step closer to the donuts, ice cream, pizza, and mac & cheese (along with so many other things) I plan to devour immediately after the show!

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