Friday, March 13, 2015

Date Paste

Figured I'd start with something that will be useful in many of the recipes to come. It's simple and great to have on hand.

8 ounces pitted dried dates
1-2 cups water

Optional Additions
Pinch of cinnamon
Vanilla paste

Transfer dates to a bowl and pour water over them until dates are fully submerged.
*Allow dates to soak for at least 30 minutes.
Remove dates from water and transfer to a food processor or blender. Reserve soaking liquid.
Add 1 Tb of soaking liquid and begin to puree. How quickly the dates break down depends on the quality of your processor.
*I usually end up adding 3-4 Tb liquid to get my preferred consistency.
Continue processing and adding soaking liquid by the tablespoon until you get your desired consistency.
Also add the cinnamon or vanilla for a flavored date paste. (I prefer plain)
Transfer date paste to a jar or sealed container and store in the refrigerator.

*Use within 1 weeks.

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