Tuesday, December 1, 2015

It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas

Not going to be a long post, just a little tid bit of the Christmas spirit we're bringing (so far). Being our first home, we wanted to go all out. Correction - Evan wanted to go all out. So we went halfway out because Christmas decor is EXPENSIVE! 

Between the 5 new extension cords, 4 boxes of new lights, and figuring out how to light up the second story of the house it made for a long day. But the results are great for the first year!

We'll post more as we liven up the inside, including our tree that'll get put up next week! Real, of course. Still working to sort through boxes and get things organized though, thankfully I have a couple days of vacation coming up to work on that without my better half around to distract me. And we're kicking all the house cleaning into over drive because...

More to come - including pictures of the new puppy. Here's to hoping for some snow soon!

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